
Sun / Oracle Cables

A small number of power cords from one specific manufacturer may develop a leakage current condition over an extended period of time (typically >4 years). This leakage current is internal to the female plug of the cord. If excessive enough, this leakage current could lead to a trip condition of the rack PDU or external circuit breaker. In a more severe case, there is the possibility of damage due to a thermal event.

It is very important to have the correct power cables in your data center for Sun / Oracle equipment.

How do I know if I have these power cords?

Only the following power cords that have the C19 connector as shown are suspected:

AC Input Power Cords
Part Numbers Description C19 Connector
180-2004-01 and -02 16A, International, IEC 309 to IEC 320 C19, 4.0M Cord End
180-2005-01 and -02 20A, Americas, NEMA L6-20P to IEC 320 C19, 4.0M
180-2060-01 and -02 20A, Watertight IEC 309 to IEC 320 C19, 4.0M
180-2061-01 and -02 16A, Watertight IEC 309 to IEC 320 C19, 4.0M
Rack Power Distribution Unit (PDU) to Platform Power Cords
Part Numbers Description C19 Connector
180-2095-01 20A, IEC 320 C19 to IEC 320, 1.5M Cord End
180-2096-01* 20A, IEC 320 C19 to IEC 320, 2.0M
180-2097-01* 20A, IEC 320 C19 to IEC 320, 2.5M
180-2099-01* 20A, IEC 320 C19 to IEC 320, 3.5M

* Added February 2015

Shown below is the label on the suspected power cords. Only power cords with an Oracle Code of 0001205, week 01 year 04 to week 26 year 11 may be affected.

Label Detail

Figure 1: Label Detail

If the label is missing the power cords can be identified by the identifying mark which is located on the female end of the power cord, as shown in the picture below.

Vendor Identifying Mark

Figure 2: Vendor Identifying Mark

If your Sun Rack 900/1000 is configured with 2 vertical rows of up to 6 power strips on either side of the rack you should replace the Rack PDU to Rack Power Strip power cords. If your Sun Rack 900/1000 does not have this configuration you do not need to replace the Rack PDU to Rack Power Strip power cords.

Shown below is a Sun Rack 900/1000 (viewed from the back) configured with 12 power strips on the left side of the rack:

Sun Rack 900/1000

Figure 3: Sun Rack 900/1000 – Left side shown configured with 12 power strips (viewed from the back)


Note: your Sun Rack 900/1000 may have between 2 and 12 power strips configured in any of the locations shown (A0 through A5 and B0 through B5)

For each configured side (as viewed from the back) you should request the corresponding replacement kit:

  • if configured with up to 12 power strips on the left side of the rack: request up to two SR900/1000 Left Power Cord Kits
  • if configured with up to 12 power strips on the right side of the rack: request up to two SR900/1000 Right Power Cord Kits
  • if configured with up to 12 power strips on each side of the rack: request up to two of both kits
180-2005 Sun AC Power Cord, NEMA L6-20P to IEC 320-C19
Sold Out

180-2005 Sun AC Power Cord, NEMA L6-20P to IEC 320-C19

Sun 180-2005 AC Power Cord, NEMA L6-20P to IEC 320-C19 Brand: Sun / Oracle Part #: 180-2005 Specs:-   ::  Type: Rack Power... more info

180-2097-01 Sun / Oracle 1.5m Power Cable (C19-C20)

Sun / Oracle 2.5m Power Cable (C19-C20) Oracle Part #: 180-2097-01 Brand: Sun / Oracle Part #: 180-2097-01 Specs:-   :: ... more info

530-3365 Sun DVD Cable Assembly for SPARC T2000 Servers

R315.47  R290.23
Sun SPARC T2000 DVD Cable Assembly Oracle Part #: 530-3365, 541-1474 Brand: Sun / Oracle Sun Part #(s): 530-3365, 541-1474 Specs:-  ... more info

530-3927-01 SunFire X4170 Power Backplane to Motherboard Cable

R184.70  R175.47
Sun SunFire X4170 Power Backplane to Motherboard Signal Cable Part #: 530-3927-01 Brand: Sun / Oracle Part #: 530-3927-01 Specs:- ... more info

7023009 Sun Oracle 3M Mini SAS to Mini SAS HD Cable

Sun Oracle 3M Mini SAS to Mini SAS HD Cable SFF-8088 To SFF-8644 Part #: 7023009,7106737 Brand: 3Com Part #: 7023009 Specs:-   :: ... more info

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