

The compatibility of third-party devices in the HCL list per product has been tested and verified by Tekmart Africa. We suggest that you select the devices based on the list.

Please note that the validation tests conducted in the lab cannot cover every usage scenario, and that any change to the device's firmware or hardware may affect their compatibility and stability.

Tekmart therefore provides no guarantee of their compatibility and reserves the right to update the HCL list as and when necessary.

If unsure of a compatibility, please contact us at laptops@tekmart.co.za or call 0861 711 712 (within RSA) or +2711 027 6793 (international) and our support consultants will gladly assist.

Premium Quality 2.5in 2nd SSD HDD Hard Drive Caddy Adapter Tray

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Premium Quality 2.5in 2nd SSD HDD Hard Drive Caddy Adapter Tray   Brand: Generic Part #: N/A Alt. Part #: N/A Specs:- :: Kit: 2.5in hard... more info

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